Residential Treatment for Chemically Dependent Men
New Outlook is located in the rolling hills of Belmont County, Ohio. It establishes a shared living environment for adult chemically dependent men. This abstinence based program focuses on assisting men in developing a lifestyle free from mood and mind altering chemicals. It provides clients with an approach to recovery in which they have the opportunity to influence change in their own lives.
New Outlook accomplishes its goal of enhancing the chemically dependent man's desire to become drug-free by teaching skills needed to approach life in a new way. This family-style setting provides individualized treatment. Variable lengths of stay are considered in order to meet each client's specific needs. Skills development for a drug-free lifestyle is provided along with referrals to sober support meetings, recreation, parenting, case management, and educational and vocational involvement.
Crossroads Counseling Services recognizes a variety of economic backgrounds for prospective New Outlook clients. A fee scale has been designed to address individual needs. Self-payment, Medicaid, and most private health plans are accepted as payment.
No man will be denied services because of race, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or ability to pay.